Journalling Club

Less flailing around, feel more grounded and rooted, knowing what you need for yourself.

First Monday of each month

7:30 pm online

Available until April 2024 due to taking a break for maternity leave.

Concessional spaces available and first session free just drop me an email to enquire.

I will guide you through all the swirling thoughts in your head to get clarity on what are your next best steps.

Do you want…

  • To be back in control of your life

  • To be kinder to yourself

  • To feel confident that the steps you’re taking are right for you

  • To tune in to your intuition

  • To make the best choices for you, big or small

  • Support from a qualified life coach, online every month, for a fraction of the price.

  • A dedicated space for yourself (without judgement or awkward sharing)

‘Feeling like I’ve just had a massive mental hug’

Like a yoga class for your mind and soul

I’m Lynne,

Journalling was one of the first steps in figuring out for myself what I actually wanted. Initially it was a way of dumping out all the random thoughts which would circle around my head. Then as time went on with more structure I found I could begin to question some of these thoughts (which we often just believe as fact).

Then it led me to understanding so much more about myself, why I made the choices I did (or sometimes more importantly didn’t), which areas of life were bringing me joy, and which not so much.

I found the space to tune into myself and the more I took actions that felt right to me the more resilient and happier I felt.

What you’ll get

  • Monthly 60 minute reflective space online, no judgement, no compulsory sharing with others.

  • Guided prompts from me (a qualified coach with bags of experience from her nursing and charitable careers) always with an empowering and friendly approach (no toxic positivity here).

  • A space to reflect on what has come and where you’d like to be next month.

  • A healthy dose of staying present too, we won’t get caught up in ‘what if’ thinking.

  • Email follow up to provide some accountability for any goals or actions you set in your journaling session, two weeks later.

  • Always your space to use as you need that month.

The first Monday of each month 7:30pm

Due to taking a break for maternity leave from April 2024 Journalling Club will be ‘pay per session’ until I can introduce subscriptions again.


Drop in price

2 x Concessional places (£10) available each month, no questions asked

I’m not promising journalling will solve all the problems, it’s not about positive vibes only or manifesting, it's about giving yourself space and time to sort through the tangled thoughts in your head. So we don’t just rush from one month to the next, and ultimately rush through life. 

Slow down, and gently take stock with me and I promise that in itself will make the world difference. x


  • No, because a huge amount of the benefit of these sessions also lies in dedicating yourself one hour a month to this reflecting space. Obviously life can get in the way sometimes so if for some reason at the last minute you can’t attend live, email me and I will send over the guided prompts for you to complete in your own time. But you really will get the most from the experience if you come along live.

  • Yes, with the cost of living crisis only increasing I want this to still be accessible, so there are two £10 spaces available each month. You don’t have to give me any details. If you have been able to pay full price previously but things are tighter the next month then this is still open to you. Whatever the reason if you feel you would benefit from the reduced price, please use it.

  • The idea is you attend monthly to reflect, set gentle goals or intentions for the next month. So if you only come to one, you’ll miss out on the full benefits of the process. But I understand you might want to try before you commit, so there is a drop in price available.

    I offered a free session in April, but if you didn’t attend this, then your first session will be free if you want to try before you commit to a monthly subscription. Just drop me an email and I’ll send over the link.

  • I can email the journal prompts before the session so you have time to read and prepare if this is helpful for you. I will be available on the chat function if you have any questions during the session.

    You don’t have to answer all of the questions, some will resonate with you and some might take a bit more thinking about, just take what you need from each session.