I believe we can create a life which finally feels like us, make decisions on what we truly want, bringing us contentment and joy every day.

I come from the north west of England originally but find myself in Oxfordshire still. I am forging my path through all the shoulds and “real world” to live to my fullest, using my skills and passions to create an everyday life that I don’t need to escape from.

 My Values


I believe in truly being in the moment, aware of our surroundings but also what goes on inside our heads. From spending time in nature and being aware of my place in the world. To being with you in our coaching sessions.


By truly reconnecting to myself, my gut, my intuition and acting from this space, it has made life so much more joyful. Knowing what’s important to me, honouring this, helps me make choices that always feel right, even if they are hard. Understanding what I can bring to the table and what lights me up has brought me here.


It’s hard to reconnect to ourselves without acknowledging and reconnecting to the world and others. I create safe spaces for our work together through trust and empathy, I haven’t walked in your shoes but I know how to truly listen and be alongside you.


Peace isn’t necessarily silence, it can be in the humming of the bees or the wind in the trees, it’s my safe space. The time where I tune in, go deep and uncover. But it’s also that morning cuppa with the dog on my back doorstep, moments to myself that nourish me. 

I felt disconnected, like I was doing what I should be, but I only felt happy when taking a rest from it all.

I grew up on the coast with the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales a stones throw away. I was very lucky to have attended a primary school with a farm next door, so we saw the lambs born and raised through the fence, my mum pointed out species of birds or flowers while out on walks and I loved to make petal potions for fairies whilst running around my grandparent’s garden. 

As I grew up, I knew helping people was something I wanted to spend my time doing so I came down to Oxford to study nursing. I worked in hospitals and then in the community with Health Visitors and then gained further qualifications and became a Specialist School Nurse. All through this time, although I was helping people I didn’t really feel content. I felt the pressure to have everything sorted, have a life goal and be on the way to achieving it, with the perfect partner and enjoying every second of life. And as you can imagine this wasn’t true, I felt lost, on a treadmill of doing what you're 'supposed to’, the career you trained for, the relationship you’re in and generally doing what you think you should rather than what you want! Each time I went home I would ‘soak up’ all the goodness of being up in the Lakes, the views, the smells, the sights, that feeling of contentment, to see me through my next period of work back in the ‘real world’.

I felt disconnected, like I was doing what I should be, but only felt happy when I was taking a rest from it all. 

After the end of a long term relationship, it was time to reevaluate things, I started to explore self-development books and, as a friend’s partner was training, she coached me. I started to see that I deserved to feel happier in all aspects of my life and that maybe I did have more control than I thought. 

What I really wanted was to spend my time being outside, walking, taking photos on my phone, noticing all the small bits of nature we usually rush past. So I spent more of my spare time doing just that. Taking notice in this way, to spot the way the light pouring through new, fresh leaves or stop and feel it warming your back, brought me a contentment I’d never really felt before. 

So after nursing and a years contract in a charity, I had a break in employment and invested in myself, firstly by having more coaching. I wanted to help still, I know it may sound cliched but I feel deeply that I need to be of service to others. I started volunteering with another charity and my local Wildlife Trust, here I combined my love for the outdoors with my previous experience with children. I saw first hand how being in nature, walking, talking was incredibly nourishing and started to think about how I could bring the two worlds of helping people and nature together.  

Throughout nursing and working in the charitable sector, time and time again, the power of truly listening to someone, being alongside them, acknowledging we don’t always have all the answers can be a very powerful tool in connecting with another person.

So I’ve been there, I’ve tried living according to what society tells me is right, and that certainly didn’t feel right when I finally slowed down enough to listen to what my gut was telling me and what I really wanted. That’s why Wandering to Wonder is focused on taking time to slow down, reconnect to the natural world and ourselves. I can walk alongside you, supporting you along the way because I’ve walked this path too.

Work with me

We’ll work together to develop a sense of clarity, reconnect and find direction again to help you confidently live your best life.

“Lynne has opened my eyes and has shown me how nature can help me be more mindful. I joined Lynne's challenge #agratefulweek back in my May. It came at a perfect time as I started to feel anxious. During the challenge I noticed that it helped me be in the moment which in turn helped me with my mood. My 2 girls aged 6 & 3 joined in with the challenge too and hearing what they were grateful for as well was wonderful.”

— Vanessa

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